Summer & Sunflowers
Oil on canvas, Summer 2021
Beneath the sun’s golden gaze, they stand,
A choir of yellow, hand in hand.
Their faces turn to greet the light,
Chasing the day, dismissing night.
Roots dig deep in earth’s warm embrace,
Yet heads reach high with humble grace.
A symbol of hope, steadfast and true,
A field of suns in morning dew.
Oh, sunflowers, bright and bold,
Your story is summer’s joy retold.
Beneath the sun’s golden gaze, they stand,
A choir of yellow, hand in hand.
Their faces turn to greet the light,
Chasing the day, dismissing night.
Roots dig deep in earth’s warm embrace,
Yet heads reach high with humble grace.
A symbol of hope, steadfast and true,
A field of suns in morning dew.
Oh, sunflowers, bright and bold,
Your story is summer’s joy retold.